
Hello D.arlings!

You have to replace this WordPress placeholder text with something, and I suppose any blog journey starts with the first sentence so here we go.

I must confess I have been inspired on the whole Seth “D.” Allen thing along with the nudge I needed to actually create this space, by a person I recently met. He goes by the name Alex T. Steffen.

We first met at a random train station about 45 minutes north east of Barcelona.

That’s him at the back and me on the right, with another amazing human, Samy, holding death in jars (I am allergic to nuts.)

We met because he was giving a talk to a small group of entrepreneurs from Kairos Society. He spoke about many interesting things but the point that sticks out in my mind is what he said around doing one thing well and that having a ripple effect.

I love to write and I love to converse, some might say too much but myeh life is for living right?! I’m not terrible at either and find them both immensely enjoyable.

Over the last 6 years I have had the privilege of engaging with all walks of life. To quote a good friend and someone I respect immensely “people from the suites and people from the streets.”

I’ve engaged in those conversations with the mindset of trying to extract every ounce of life secrets I can from their story, and try to figure out the bits I can apply in my own life.

Sharing snippets of those secrets through the lens and narrative of my journey is something I want to focus on doing well.

You can expect the topics to range from geo politics, technology, culture, religion and health. But the common thread across all of those topics for me is the line of thought that I express was triggered, to a greater or lesser degree, by some secret nugget dug up in conversation with someone who cared about what they were talking about.

I make no promises as to the value for you and your story, but at the least I hope it gives you meaningful things to think about.

You don’t have to agree with me, in fact thoughtful disagreement is welcome here, but the fact that you’ve reflected is satisfying for me.